Learn to use your camera!

Do you have a "fancy camera" that you just can't quite figure out?  Have you ever wished to learn how to use your camera to its full potential? Are you overwhelmed with all the buttons and options?

You’re not alone! Maybe you were thinking that if you bought a fancier camera, your photos would improve. But then some photos came out great while others didn't. And then you just switched to the “Auto” setting or, worse, you put the camera on a shelf in your closet.  

What if I told you that you CAN learn how to use those buttons and knobs to make a prettier photo?  You just need someone to SHOW you what to do!

Come, join me for a fun photography class that will have you rocking your fancy camera in no time!

Here is what some past students have to say:


"If you want to learn how to use your camera to take great pictures and learn how to use everything on your camera take the classes!"


"Tricia is very knowledgeable and her ability to share her knowledge to students is fantastic."


 "I am so glad I took the class, I was afraid of my camera before, not anymore!"


"The class is simple, inviting and comfortable. Everything was very open and everyone felt comfortable learning together"



Next Class is September 17, 2022

Beginner - 10:00 - 12:00 PM

Freeland, MI


( ** Intermediate Class will be scheduled for a later date, for that reason the bundle option is not available for this round of classes.  If interested in both beginner and intermediate, please send me a message)


Whether you are a total newbie, need to brush up on skills, or you feel ready to learn more than the basics, I have a class for you.  The beginner class is designed for newer photographers who are just learning how to work their cameras.  The intermediate is geared toward photographers who are interested in learning more about some of the advanced features. 

Choose the package that works best for you, but please keep in mind, in order to ensure a high level of personal attention, each class will be limited. 


The Beginner Class covers:

  • Camera Basics
  • Keeping Your Gear Safe
  • Understanding Light
  • Composition and Creativity
  • Exposure, Light Meter and Camera Preset Modes


The Intermediate Class covers:

  • Exposure Triangle -how it all works together
  • ISO – how it affects image quality
  • Aperture – how to get that blurry background
  • Shutter Speed – how to freeze motion
  • White Balance – why it matters
  • Basic Editing with Adobe Lightroom


Sign Up here! (click on the class you would like)

 Beginner Class $100   


Not sure which class is for you?  Contact me here or on Facebook and I can help you decide which class is best! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of camera do I need for this class? 

You are welcome to take the class regardless of the kind of camera you have.  However, students with a DSLR or mirrorless camera that can shoot in manual mode will get the most out of the class.  Some point and shoot models have this capability, too.  If you’re not sure, have a look in your manual or use Google to determine if your camera can shoot in manual mode.

What if I’m not sure which class to take?

If you aren’t sure, just send me a message here.  Even if you took a photography class in high school or college, you will probably still benefit from starting with the beginner class. (Depending on how long ago that was.)  The technology has really advanced over the years and a bit of review is usually helpful for most.  

I know you said this class isn’t for kids, but my son REALLY wants to learn about photography.  Can you make an exception?

Minors ages 12-17 may attend if they are accompanied by a paying adult. No children under the age of 12 are permitted to enroll.

Can I use my smart phone? 

The short answer is that yes, the concepts you learn in the beginner class will still be helpful for your smartphone shots.  

As mentioned above, any camera is welcome for the beginner class.  Just know that there are a couple small segments of the class where we discuss features you may not have available.  The cameras in smart phones are pretty amazing these days, but you may need to download some apps to have comparable features and options of a fancier camera.  

Who is this class designed for?

Camera Basics was created for anyone who wants to take better photos of their families or start a photography hobby.  They bought (or were gifted) a fancy camera, but they haven’t had time to figure it all out. 

What is your refund policy? 

Because this workshop has limited seating, no refunds will be given for any reason (including no-shows, scheduling conflicts, etc.).  Please double-check your calendar before you register.

Have more questions?
If you have another question that isn’t answered here, just reach out! Send me an Email message or contact me on Facebook